
Samuel delany etext the star pit
Samuel delany etext the star pit

samuel delany etext the star pit

For no matter how good his intentions are when he takes up the power, his alternate reason is that freedom, the freedom of other people and ultimately his own, terrifies him. No man can wield absolute power over other men and still retain his own mind. A lesson which history should have taught us thousands of years ago was finally driven home.It was the old adage: Convince a slave that he’s free, and he will fight to maintain his slavery. By not letting the people of their country know what conditions existed outside their boundaries, they could get the people to fight to stay in those conditions. Dictators during the entire history of this planet have used similar techniques.“This way you can’t see how far you have to fall.” “We’re not going to climb that in the dark, are we?” asked Iimmi.I came no nearer sleep than I came to the moon.The Jewels of Aptor (1962) All page numbers from the first restored Ace Books edition (G-706) published in 1968 The Rhetoric of Sex, The Discourse of Desire.And could this possibly be an effect of discourse? Perhaps it might even be one we on the margins might reasonably appropriate to our profit. One would almost think that they felt empowered to take anything the society produced, no matter how marginal, and utilize it for their own ends - dare we say "exploit it"? - certainly to take advantage of it as long as it's around.Spoken Arts interview on WBFO 88.7, 20th April 2000.If you don’t talk about what goes on in sexuality, so that you know what particular acts you’re dealing with, then I think you're, possibly in an indirect way but never-the-less in a very real way, contributing to an atmosphere of ignorance which the result is people die. There are certain acts that transmit a virus and there are certain other acts that don’t transmit a virus. Gay sex for instance does not cause AIDS. At a certain point I came to the conclusion that one of the murderous aspects of the AIDS crisis was that people were used to not talking about sexual experiences in detail.To speak the unspeakable without the proper rhetorical flourish or introduction to muff that flourish, either by accident, misjudgment, or simple ignorance to choose the wrong flourish or not choose any (i.e., to choose the flourish called "the literal") is to perform the unspeakable.Delany” in Science Fiction Studies (November 1990) On the literal facet of science fiction in “On Triton and Other Matters: An Interview with Samuel R.The phrase "her world exploded" in a naturalistic text will be a metaphor for a female character's emotional state but in an SF text, if you had the same words- "her world exploded"-you'd have to maintain the possibility that they meant: a planet belonging to a woman blew up… Let me illustrate this by some examples I've used many times before. But when they appear in a naturalistic text we interpret them one way, and when they appear in an SF text we interpret them another. There are many strings of words that can appear both in an SF text and in an ordinary text of naturalistic fiction. …There's often a literal side to SF language.Delany” in Los Angeles Review of Books (2019 Jul 6) On his views about the genre and LGBT issues in “Stonewall, Before and After: An Interview with Samuel R.…the science fiction community is not, and was not especially back then, a gay-friendly organization….On how science fiction as a genre is not necessarily more receptive to gay themes in “Don’t Romanticize Science Fiction: An Interview with Samuel Delany” in LitHub (2017 Dec 4).If anything, science fiction as a marginal genre is more rigid, far more rigid than literature… One of the questions I have been asked so many times I’ve forgotten what my stock answer to it is, “Since science fiction is a marginal form of writing, do you think it makes it easier to deal with marginal people?” To which the answer is, “No.” Why should it be any easier? Dealing with the marginal is always a matter of dealing with the marginal. On including sexual themes in his writings in “Samuel R.Neither marks one end nor the other of any necessary or even philosophical relationship… The processes you have me describing are contingent psychological processes.

samuel delany etext the star pit

And while I find nothing shameful in taking direct erotic pleasure from reading or writing, I don’t think they entail a necessary relation. Each appeases a different type of desire.

samuel delany etext the star pit samuel delany etext the star pit

I still feel that style is important for reading pleasure, and sex is important for pleasure in life.1.11 Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones (1968).

Samuel delany etext the star pit